My boyfriend & I were riding in the back of his friend’s old Ford truck going down a small town highway. The truck didn’t have a tailgate and the shocks were awful, so we had to hold on to opposite sides of the truck bed to keep from falling out. I tried to adjust my grip and we hit a bump, bouncing me right out of the truck. Fortunately, I missed the road altogether and landed in grass on the side of the road. Somehow, I wasn’t hurt at all and my main concern was that the guys would have to find an exit to turn around and come back to get me.
I decided to walk through the woods so that I might be able to meet up with them on a back road. I walked under an overpass and found an expensive cell phone lying on the ground. I didn’t see anyone around, but I had a feeling that someone might be coming back to look for it, so I was hesitant to take it. I thought “Maybe it has a memory card I could use & I’ll just take that.” I opened the memory card compartment and a tiny drawer popped out with five Micro SD cards stored inside. Two were 1 GB, two were 2 GB and one was 4 GB. As I was considering taking the 4 GB card, I heard people talking nearby. I quickly closed the drawer and shoved the phone in my pocket. I nonchalantly strolled out of the woods towards the voices and found a group of people taking seats at what appeared to be some sort of waiting area. Feeling paranoid, I joined them, as if I needed to blend in for some reason.
I felt a phone ringing in my pocket, but I couldn’t tell if it was my phone or the “found” one, so I hesitated answering it. It stopped ringing and I took both phones out to find that it had been my phone ringing, but it was a number that I didn’t recognize. I figured it was one of my boyfriend’s friends trying to figure out where I was, so I called my boyfriend and managed to direct them to my location. They either parked up the road or the truck broke down, because when they got there, they were walking as well. They took a seat with me and I was telling them about the phone that I found, when suddenly we were all inside another truck, being driven through a muddy, hilly area by a Middle Eastern man, who seemed to be our “guide.” We tried to tell him that we weren’t supposed to be on his "tour", and he said we were free to get out whenever we wanted, but every time that we tried the truck was riding through high water. I said “We can’t get out here, look at all of that water!” so we just kept riding.
Eventually, we wound up getting off at some hotel, where we decided to stay, since we were lost. We were looking for a room (instead of getting one at the front desk) when I realized that I was dreaming. I told the guys that we could just go in any room, because we could do whatever we wanted. In my lucidity, I started messing with everyone around, making them do strange things with each other for my amusement, and I awoke just as a midget chick was about to do strange things to me.