Occasionally, I have dreams where I am not myself. Usually, I just happen to be a different person, but no one in particular. In this case, however, I play the role of singer & songwriter Amanda Palmer. Her boyfriend, Neil Gaiman (legendary comic book artist), makes a guest “appearance” as well. I guess you could say that this is one of those “moral behind the story” dreams. Although the dream itself is from a first person perspective, I prefer to narrate from third person, just because I don’t feel right saying “I” when referring to Amanda Palmer. ((^_^))
Amanda is traveling alone by bus, casually chatting with the other passengers. Everyone is all smiles, taking turns amusing each other in various ways. After a while, she finds herself gazing out of the window peacefully and dozes off. When she wakes up, she has missed her stop by miles and apparently is in the next state. She rushes off at the next stop, realizing after the bus pulls off that she has forgotten her jacket, phone, and watch. It’s beginning to get dark, so she heads down the street, determined to find a pay phone and call for someone to pick her up.
Several shady “hoodlum” characters are hanging out in the alley way, and one comments on the skirt she is wearing, “Hey, are those pleats?” Instead of being a lewd remark, he seems to be generally interested. Amanda stops to talk with them and it turns out that they’re actually just kind old men. She explains that she has lost her cell phone, but she needs to call for transportation, and one of the men lets her borrow a cell phone. While quite grateful, she suddenly cannot remember any phone numbers. She finds a list of “work numbers” in her pocket [which is actually in MY pocket right now], and calls Don (a guy I work with) to see if he can give her Neil’s number. He doesn’t have the number, but he says he will find it and call her back. After a few minutes, he returns her call with Neil’s phone number. Amanda calls Neil, who apparently is in the town she was supposed to be traveling to, and he is swiftly off to her rescue.
good stuff